writing songs, prose and poetry to help people find faith

Mine began in Chicago in 1997, two months sooner than my parents had planned. I’ve been over-eager in most endeavors since. I’ve been writing short stories and song lyrics in coffee shops since I was old enough to drive. To save you from doing the math, it’s been about seven years since I first started putting my thoughts on the internet. I hope my words leave you more in awe of the world around us and encouraged you to believe your life is more story than chaos. But mostly, I hope they leave you feeling like you belong somewhere in the great beyond.
All stories
have a


Just this morning, I walked up to the alcove above the coffee shop, where our humble community gathers for worship every week to wheel barrows and spades strewn across the floor
I’m not entirely sure the first time I realized I was comparing myself against the apostle Paul, but I have been. Driving home from work today, weary from the drama which comes as a side effect of working in a residential home for young women, I was comparing myself to Paul.
I have no idea what it’s like to have cancer. I’ve been really sick before but never the kind where you don’t get better eventually.
Currently I’m on day 1 of officially going back to college.
I got rear-ended Saturday. Sitting on the exit ramp off of Ellington and Douglas, waiting for my turn to well…er, turn, some guy spun off the interstate and just so happened to ding me of all people
We sat in the quiet restaurant off a side street in Paris. Despite being the dead of winter, the night was sticky. Maybe it was the slight ting of smog covering the city or the crowds causing the stick.